Life Lessons from Zoey
In honor of our dog Zoey’s 14th birthday, I wanted to share some things I’ve learned from her. While dogs aren’t human, they do know a whole lot about life. Whether they're romping in fresh snow or rolling over for belly rubs, our canine companions tend to savor each moment life gives them.

The Power of our Thoughts
Welcome to part II!
Today we will discuss the benefits both mental and physical when we think positive!

The Power of Our Thoughts
You Are What You Think! We live in a world full of thoughts, and our thoughts create our experiences and perspectives. Throughout each day we think LOTS of thoughts. The thoughts we think repeatedly can begin to shape our reality and affect our actions, attitude and mood.

Cheers to 3 Years!
Trust me, a stroke really is no joke! It is hard to believe that March 12th, 2022 marked the third anniversary of the stroke I survived. The medical community refers to a stroke as an “event”. This time of year I think alot about the “event” and the intense days that followed. It goes without saying it was a very frightening experience for me as well as those I love. However, the anniversary of this event is something I choose to CELEBRATE as I am so thankful to be alive today, and so thankful for my recovery, which was really nothing short of a miracle!

A note from last year…
Stroke is no joke. As I approach my third year anniversary of that experience, I’ve been doing a lot of reflecting.
I wanted to share with you, what last year looked like for me, and what I had written on the second year anniversary of having a stroke.

Spring Cleaning
Spring is a season for new beginnings and lucky for us it’s almost the beginning of spring. With Spring Equinox quickly approaching, there is more than just summer anticipation on everyone’s minds. For so many of us, the changing of seasons signals a time for cleaning house and many of us will become consumed with cleaning out closets, drawers, and clutter. We’re taught to clean our physical spaces but rarely are we taught the skills to help to reset ourselves, clear our energy and provide a much needed energetic reset.

Remote Sessions
At TULA Wellness we offer both in-person and remote sessions. You might be wondering what exactly a TULA remote session entails. A remote session is just like an in-person session with the exception of your location. For the remote healing session you get to choose the location of your session. Most clients choose to be in their home for the remote session, preferably lying down or seated in a reclined position. Remote sessions may be done over the phone or at a special time set aside and agreed upon.

What is Sound therapy?
Sound therapy refers to a range of therapies in which sound is used to treat physical and mental imbalances.
Sound healing is hardly a new form of therapy. The ancient Greeks used music to cure mental disorders and throughout history, sound has been used to help people work faster, influence, and boost morale. Many also believe that sound can heal the body. That’s because humans have a natural instinct for sound therapy. Just think about how a favorite song can lift your mood.

Let’s talk about Reiki
What is Reiki?
Well, Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century and is considered a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use.

Energy Healing
Energy Healing is a broad term for any modality that stimulates the energy flow in or around the human body to restore balance on all levels. The knowledge of energy healing has been used for centuries and there is plenty of evidence to show that energetic healing facilitates the healing process by clearing blocks in the energy fields, repairing and rebalancing the energy so that the body can return to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to easily access its inherent ability to heal itself.

The TULA Approach
My approach at TULA is always evolving and expanding. At TULA the connection between our mind, body and spirit is the foundation of the work. We are not just our thoughts. We are also our bodies, our emotions, and our spirituality…all these things combine to give us identity, determine our health, and make us who we are.

Hello 2022
I encourage you to think about little things you can do to add more joy and “feel good” to your day. In addition, a TULA session might be just what you need to usher in the new year and get yourself in a space ready to achieve all that you desire.

The holidays are upon us!
The holidays are upon us! In this season of hustle, bustle and making-merry, it’s so easy to get caught in the busyness and find ourselves feeling anything but merry & bright when the holiday finally arrives! Sure the perfectly wrapped presents, the elaborate dishes and treats, and expertly chosen gifts are great, however it turns out that our loved ones value our presence more than anything else. This year, rather than getting caught up in working for the season, let this time actually serve you.

Need to Recharge?
Need to recharge? We recharge our phones, our laptops, and our tablets. Our electrical devices need to be recharged frequently however many of us seldom take time to recharge ourselves, which often results in burnout, a compromised immune system, and illness. Perhaps the most valuable thing to recharge is ourselves, and what if the key to recharging your own personal battery is to unplug?