Happy summer days!
Hello Tula Humans,
Just checking in to say hi and share how thankful I am for each of you!
As summer approaches, I am feeling the need to unplug, reconnect, and ground myself to the present moments.
With that being said, I have been feeling a need to step away from social media, as some of you may have already noticed. However, Tula is and will remain open!
The world has been heavy these past few years, and recently it's feeling even heavier with the heart breaking events we are seeing again and again in the media.
I encourage you all to take a collective deep breath with me as we continue to navigate through these difficult times.
I found some comfort in a quote I recently stumbled upon. In Yung Pueblo’s book “Inward”, he writes:
“they asked her,
‘why are we here at a time when there is so much misery and despair?'
she responded,
‘because you answered the call. the earth signaled for heroes, and the heavens sent forth the ones who were most ready to grow and unleash their unconditional love. you're here to shine the light of your own healing, to offer the world the gift of your balance and peace.’”
YOU are here to shine your light! Right now that is what the world needs more than ever, and shining your light begins with practicing kindness and compassion toward yourself and others.
In hardship, it's important to remember you cannot pour from an empty cup, self care is essential to offering the world the gift of your balance and peace. Here are some suggestions for practicing more self-care this summer:
Schedule a session at Tula
Unplug/disconnect from your devices
Walk barefoot in the grass
Close your eyes and face the sun
Listen & dance to your favorite song
Immerse yourself in a lake, river, stream, or swimming pool
Take a walk with a friend
Cuddle your pet
Truly experience a beautiful sunset
Express gratitude to those around you who help make dark days brighter
The older I get the more I'm understanding just how short this trip called life is! So I'm going to try and enjoy every moment of it this summer and hope you do too!!
I'm here if you need me!
I plan to get back into the swing of things on social media in the future (and a sweet giveaway will be happening then) but for now, you can reach me via email.
Happy Summer days.